Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Entry #2, I wish I could remember it better.

Aug 24, 2011 - Wednesday

Two dreams I'll be talking about. The first one was interrupted by my sisters alarm clock at 8:30a.m, and she had left the house. Thankfully my mom was home and knew how to turn off an iPhone alarm so it wasn't going for...forever.

So me and some friends are at a LoL (League of Legends) convention. I'm trying to find someone important so I can tell them about the two champions I hate playing against the most. If you know the game those two are Zilean and Fiddlesticks btw...I have my reasons for hating them as much as I do ;_;

Things sort of fade here and I'm tossed into another random scene, me and someone else are running around looking for a place to do "sexual things". In my dreams when "sexual things" are going to happen 90% of the time it's just stupid build up. This time was no different, we found some back-alley store place that looked like a good spot at the time, but we were yelled at by the owners because we weren't Asian. (wtf?)

Dream #1 ends here.
Dream #2 I remember even less of but here goes...

Me and my family are in a convention center type thing, except for some reason I got the feeling it was on a very big ship. I never saw the body of water we may have been on though, but it did feel like we were on one.

We kept going to meetings and my sister wasn't allowed to go, she was pretty upset by this. I also remember at random points eating some pieces of cheese that tbh weren't very tasty.

That's all for today.


  1. Your dreams are filled with conventions. To dream of a convention, could denote unusual activity in business affairs and final engagement in love. An inharmonious or displeasing convention brings you disappointment. DERP DERP.

    Sexual dreams are so silly.

  2. Dreaming about a convention... in those dreams I remember theres rarely anyone ever.
    I'll make the guess you're pretty close with your family if they appear in your dreams. :v
